Cracked But Not Shattered | Mike Lamson

Mike talks through what is commonly known as "The Fall" in Genesis 3. Join us at 10am Eastern! Links for teaching re...

Mike Lamson • Last Sunday
Cracked But Not Shattered | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • Last Sunday
The Power of Naming | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/29/2024
Resisting the Patriarchy | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/22/2024
"I Don't Have Time" | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/15/2024
Dignity Redefined | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/8/2024
Why Creation/Evolution Abuses the Bible | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/1/2024
For Yours is the Kingdom | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 8/18/2024
Deliver Us From the Evil One | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 8/11/2024
Becoming Free | Andy Bossardet
Andy Bossardet • 8/4/2024
Lead Us Not Into Temptation | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/28/2024
Forgive Us... | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/21/2024
Give Us Today Our Daily Bread | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/14/2024
Why Creation/Evolution Abuses the Bible | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/1/2024
Dignity Redefined | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/8/2024
"I Don't Have Time" | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/15/2024
Resisting the Patriarchy | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/22/2024
The Power of Naming | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/29/2024
Cracked But Not Shattered | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • Last Sunday
"Our Father" | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 6/9/2024
Who Is In Heaven | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 6/23/2024
May Your Name Be Honored | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 6/30/2024
May Your Kingdom Come | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/7/2024
Give Us Today Our Daily Bread | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/14/2024
Forgive Us... | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/21/2024
Lead Us Not Into Temptation | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 7/28/2024
Deliver Us From the Evil One | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 8/11/2024
For Yours is the Kingdom | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 8/18/2024
Bounded Set, Centered Set, and Fuzzy Set Churches | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 4/7/2024
Digging Wells or Building Fences? | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 4/14/2024
Centered-Set Jesus | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 4/21/2024
The Center | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 4/28/2024
Practicing Centered | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 5/19/2024
Practicing Centered (Part 2) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 6/2/2024
THE GOSPEL FOR CHRISTIANS (Mark 1:1-13) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/11/2022
THE GOSPEL FOR CHRISTIANS: "Who Has the Reigns?" (Mark 1:14-15) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 9/25/2022
TGFC: "God's Calling is Different Than You Think" | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 10/2/2022
TGFC: "You Have a Demon and You Have a Demon!" | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 10/9/2022
TGFC: "Jesus Heals and Touches All the Wrong People" (Mark 1:29-34) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 10/16/2022
TGFC: "Jesus is Inefficient" (Mark 1:35-39) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 10/23/2022
TGFC: Jesus Doesn't "Invest" in People (Mark 1:40-45) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 11/6/2022
TGFC: "God's Default Mode: Forgiveness" | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 11/13/2022
TGFC: "Exclusion vs. Embrace" (Mark 2:13-17) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 11/20/2022
TGFC: "The Necessity of Going Deeper" (Mark 4:1-20) | Jill Versteeg
Jill Versteeg • 1/8/2023
TGFC: "The Paradox of Beautiful and Broken" (Mark 2:18-22) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 1/15/2023
TGFC: "When the Bible Becomes a Weapon" (Mark 2:23-28) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 1/22/2023
Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23:1-8) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 1/7/2024
The Day of the Omer/"Firstfruits" (Lev. 23:9-14) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 1/14/2024
Pentecost (Lev. 23:15-21, Ex. 19-20, Acts 2) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 1/21/2024
Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 1/28/2024
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 2/4/2024
Sukkot (Booths) | Mike Lamson
Mike Lamson • 2/11/2024